A man sat upon a fish.

Age 37, Male

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It's A Beautiful Night [repost]

Posted by JackPhantasm - July 19th, 2007

Good for finding girls. Young ones, you know what I'm talking about hot shot. The ones where their nipples are just perking up, and you can begin to see that musculatory development in their thighs.

F.I.N.E. if I do say so myself.

And I do.

So tonight, I will go out and search for the young unobtrusive lass, one who's watering the plants. The one who's walking the dog. Maybe the one who's babysitting. Or better yet.

The one who is being babysat.

It will be fun. See me now, I'm walking out the door like a true knight of the golden age. I step with a brisk gate that even a man of military background would be forced to admire. A strong, firm step. Like a big walking erection.

And oh how that metaphor fits tonight, my children. The walking erection, how it mirrors the erection in my heart.

The erection for girls.

Young girls.

This sidewalk seems a bit dark, I shouldn't tarry long, oh now, but what's this? A girl playing hop-scotch. At this hour? Is she mad?

"Ho there little girl, yes you there! What are you doing out this late, don't you know there's creeps and all sorts of deep dark things out around this time of night little one? Don't you know. Oh how you should know little one, that there are many horrible things that could happen to a person of your undeveloped stature. This is america afterall, and we pride ourselves on our taste in women."

She happens to be wearing pink. Damn her! Pink. My favorite color! Especially on girls. Especially more so when it's bright pink, and the girl is little.

I tell you ladies and gentlemen if she was just a year younger I'd of fainted right then. Sexiness is deadly you know. Why do you think I'm so dangerous.

"Now little girl, you must not ignore me."

"what mister"

"Yes you! Ha ha!"

"mister please i'm hop scotching my way to the olympics mister"

"well, where I come from little missy, the olympics happen in the bed room"

"The bedroom, mister?"

I could see her little thighs in the moonlight, pale but with color, that light faded color. Like old paper, but healthier. Everytime she hopped, you could see the muscles move up and down the bone. Bone I could break in an instant with my huge throbbing emotion. And every time she scotched, well, it was almost too much.

"Yes little missy, the place where the grown ups go to partake in the special, adult only, special bedtime olympics. Where everyone is a winner and the losers have to clean up the mess! Trust me it's a beautiful sticky mess. Worthy of elephants."

I had only said elephants because I knew how much little girls elephants. I think it has to with the elephants trunk, girls for some reason love how the elephant can spit water at them. I planned similarly.

"Can i play hopscotch at these olympics mister"

Her eyes were so big. Like fucking anime big. On a scale of 1 to fucking ridiculous, this girl had eyes that could light highways. The highways into my heart. And that's where we would go from there.

I decide to take her on this wish.

"Are you going to molest me mister?"

I took her hand.

"We'lll see."


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